Further details about Spinning Designer Yarns photos

SDY001 - Edith O'N - Here's my first cable yarn, with 1 ply created from handpainted BFL top and a silk/merino blend dyed in Lanaset Royal Blue; with the other ply consisting of the same BFL as before and a silk/merino handpainted with Lanaset dyes. Both plies were plied on my Ashford Traditional wheel using the 6.5 ratio at 20 turns per 18'' span approx. Then they were cabled on the 6.5 ratio again following Judith MacKenzie McCuin's instructions to ''throw'' the plies at the wheel orifice -- see Spin Off, Spring 2008, ''Cables: Demystifyig the Mysterious Yarn''. Am pleased with the results, and thinking of trying more cabling, this time with cashmere.

SDY002 - Edith O'N - Here's my first cable yarn, with 1 ply created from handpainted BFL top and a silk/merino blend dyed in Lanaset Royal Blue; with the other ply consisting of the same BFL as before and a silk/merino handpainted with Lanaset dyes. Both plies were plied on my Ashford Traditional wheel using the 6.5 ratio at 20 turns per 18'' span approx. Then they were cabled on the 6.5 ratio again following Judith MacKenzie McCuin's instructions to ''throw'' the plies at the wheel orifice -- see Spin Off, Spring 2008, ''Cables: Demystifyig the Mysterious Yarn''. Am pleased with the results, and thinking of trying more cabling, this time with cashmere.

SDY015 - Christine S - I've spun this skein, but am not sure what I have spun. Is it a slub or a spiral and are they similar? Or is it something completely new?

SDY016 - Christine S - Here is a picture of all the gimp I have managed to spin (not very much!). The top two yarns are the failed gimp. I found it hard to do, but I think I need plenty more practice! I don't mind the failed gimp because it can become an interesting yarn too.?

SDY017 - Christine S - The loop yarn I found easier and more fun to spin. You get an instant result. It is not perfect yet but at least there are loops! I spun a mohair yarn and then plied the loops over a blue space dyed (see dyeing tutorial!) yarn. I locked the loops with a purple space dyed yarn. Hey presto, an uneven randomly spaced loop yarn!

SDY018 - Christine S - This photo is of a slub yarn, I think. I covered the slubs on the white blue faced Leicester top with different coloured Merino tops. I plied it with a finer soy silk yarn. I love the uneven result!

SDY019 - Christine S - The knob/seed yarn was a delight to spin and I think the effect when you knit it is textured and lovely. The coloured skein I alternated the yarns to make the knobly bits different colours.

SDY020 - Christine S - In this yarn I inlaid black Wensleydale locks in a Blue faced Leicester top. I plied it with a silk/cashmere roving. I had difficulty with this yarn, because the locks stuck to the flyer hooks and I had to manually guide them to the bobbin. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

SDY021 - Christine S - Here I inlaid bits of gold material in a Merino top. I then plied it with the same purple Merino top. But even after I carefully put the material bits in the fleece, they still slip out. Is there a way to secure them better?

SDY022 - Christine S - I inlaid bits of pink, green and purple Merino top in a blue Merino top. I plied it with the same blue Merino top. I think I put a bit too much twist in the plied yarn!

SDY023 - Christine S - The top yarn is the first method of corespun. I used a sewing thread for the core yarn and mohair to wrap around it.The bottom yarn is the corespun yarn where you flick the fleece back onto the yarn you spin. I don't know if I succeeded and that it looks like a slub instead. I used mohair and plied with a thin mohair yarn.

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